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Image of World Congress WCPP
SIPPA (Students of IPPA)

SIPPA Mission and Charter

SIPPA Mission and Charter

The mission of SIPPA is to create a community for students of positive psychology by facilitating networking, collaboration, and mentorship. SIPPA focuses on meeting these priorities by 1) promoting and developing educational opportunities and 2) providing a supportive atmosphere for connecting students to other students, practitioners, and researchers interested in positive psychology. 

Article I: Name and Purpose

1) The name of this organization shall be “Students of the International Positive Psychology Association” (hereinafter referred to as SIPPA). This full title shall be used in all public references to the Division and the official logo should be applied to all official communications.

2) The purpose of this Division is to create a community for positive psychology students that facilitates networking, collaboration, and mentorship.

3) Specific goals of this Division include:

  • Promoting positive psychology to our members and the public;
  • Facilitating a mentoring program that connects students with more experienced professionals in the field;
  • Organizing formalized student programming at positive psychology conferences;
  • Creating and maintaining a website focused on student initiatives;
  • Supporting student-focused social networking;
  • Establishing and maintaining student scholarships and funding opportunities.

Article II: Membership

1) Students who belong to the International Positive Psychology Association are automatically enrolled in SIPPA.

2) For the purpose of this organization, ‘students’ are defined as individuals who are currently enrolled in an academic program.

Article III: Executive Committee Members

1) The Executive Committee members of the Division include: Chair, Chair-Elect, Past-Chair, Communications Representative,

Membership & Recruitment Representative, Conference Planning Representative, and Mentoring Representative.

Article IV: Governing Committee

1) The Executive Committee of this organization shall function as the governing committee. Four members of the Executive Committee

will constitute a quorum, except during the first two years when three Executive Committee members will suffice.

2) Actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be based on a majority vote.

3) The Executive Committee shall be authorized to act on behalf of the Division between Division meetings.

4) All actions of the Executive Committee will be reported to the IPPA and SIPPA Boards through mid-year and year-end reports.

Article V: Board of Directors

1) The SIPPA Board of Directors consists of students, young professionals, researchers, practitioners, and IPPA Board members.

2) The Executive Committee members will automatically be members of the board.

Article VI: Committees

1) The Communications Representative, Membership & Recruitment Representative, Conference Planning Representative, and

Mentoring Representative shall chair the corresponding committees.

2) The Chair shall appoint additional committees as needed to conduct the affairs of the organization.

3) Board members, except the IPPA representative(s), will serve as an active member of at least one committee during their term.

Article VII: Meetings

1) Business meetings led by the Chair and comprising the Executive Committee will be conducted at least once a month.

Article VIII: Officer Appointments

1) Incoming officers will be selected by the standing executive committee and board members through an application process.

Article IX: Amendments

1) This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors.

2) Proposals to amend this Constitution may be introduced to the Executive Committee, and they will determine whether the proposal

will be voted upon by the Board of Directors.

3) Voting will remain open at least one month after the ballot is distributed; a majority vote will approve pending amendments.

Article X: Termination

1) Members can be removed by a two-thirds majority vote by the Board of Directors if they misrepresent the mission of SIPPA.

2) If SIPPA dissolves or changes its function within IPPA, the SIPPA Constitution and Policies and Procedures would be considered null.

All SIPPA monies will be put towards the parent organization, IPPA.

Updated 05/16/12