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Join the W&O Division to learn more about The Golden Mean Inventory (GMI)

Speaker: Robert McGrath, Ph.D.

Date & Times: March 25 | 6:10pm ET (3:10pm PT/8:10pm GMT)

Member Price: $0

Non Member Price: $25

Access: Open to all

Event Type: virtual

IPPA’s Work and Organization Division Community of Practice is inviting you to join one of their sessions (1h) where they welcome Robert McGrath, who will present the Golden Mean Inventory.


Practitioners have identified the discussion of overuse and underuse of character strengths to be one of the most valuable tools they have when working with people. The Golden Mean Inventory was recently developed to provide a measurement tool supporting this important work. Early results from coaches using it around the world suggest it has the potential to become an essential tool in their work. The presentation will discuss the background to its development, the innovative nature of the instrument, and the remarkable amount of information we have collected in a matter of months about its applied use.


Take-home messages:

  • The concept of strength overuse and underuse provides a powerful framework for exploring a client’s challenges in the context of their character strengths
  • The GMI is an innovative measure that potentially generates a tremendous amount of information about underuse and overuse character strengths
  • The GMI and VIA Inventory in combination offer the most comprehensive self-report understanding of character strengths available to date


Please register before March 23rd! Registration ends two days before the event! 


Please note: Event starts at 6:10, the Zoom invitation will state 6pm and you can stay in the waiting room prior to that if you’d like!

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